Other Online Resources

The Internet is full of wonderful websites and other resources to help you read, understand, and appreciate James Joyce’s Ulysses. If you’re interested, I’ve launched an Instagram account (@ulyssesguide) where I’ll post photos relevant to Joyce and Ulysses.

Here are brief descriptions and links to a few other sites that you might find interesting and useful:

  • The Joyce Project — A site with each episode’s full text, illuminated with images and explanations. Also includes a comprehensive list of characters in the novel as well as a very good chronology. Curated by Professor John Hunt of the University of Montana.

  • Re: Joyce — The late Frank Delaney’s charming, insightful podcast on Ulysses. He beautifully reads and masterfully explains in detail a few lines from the novel in each pod. Sadly, Mr. Delaney passed away in February of 2017 as he was explicating “Wandering Rocks,” so the project is incomplete. That said, with more than 400 podcast episodes recorded, this resource is a gem.

  • Music in the Works of James Joyce — Offers free excerpts of the many songs referenced, hummed, and sung in Ulysses, such as “Love’s Old Sweet Song” and “Those Lovely Seaside Girls.” You can also purchase the songs as downloadable mp3s.

  • Joyce’s Ulysses Concordance — A great way to see all of the occurrences of a word or phrase on a single page.

  • Boston College’s Map of Ulysses — A comprehensive map of the novel’s references to locations and character movements. I created something like this a decade ago in Google Earth, but BC’s resource is better. Project led by Professor Joseph Nugent of Boston College.

  • RTE’s audiobook/dramatic reading of Ulysses — Some people find it helpful to listen to this expertly read audiobook of the novel as they follow along in the book.

  • A full, free, searchable online version of the novel. Hit “command F” and type the word or phrase you’re looking for.

  • JoyceImages.com — A finely curated collection of hundreds (thousands?) of images contemporaneous to Ulysses, organized by the novel’s episodes. Curated by Aida Yared.

  • James Joyce’s Correspondence — Previously unpublished letters with annotations being released by the editors in batches.

  • James Joyce Digital Archive — Presents the text of Ulysses and Finnegans Wake at each stage of Joyce’s compositional process, from his notebook entries to his edits on final page proofs. This interactive resource provides readers and researchers with a complete history of Joyce’s process in composing these novels.

  • A Bloomsday Journal — A delightful and detailed account of teacher David Doherty’s recreation of Bloomsday in Dublin. The narrative weaves Doherty’s personality and experience into a really excellent walking guide filled with clever references to the text of Ulysses.

  • Columbia University’s color-coded and hyperlinked version of the text - This site differentiates between inner monologue, dialogue, and narration with color-coded text, and the Gifford annotations pop up when you hover your curser over hyperlinked words.

If I’m missing other online resources that you have found useful and/or illuminating, please let me know clicking the “About/Questions” tab at the top right of this page and submitting a note. Thanks!